Category Archives: Encourage

Do You Or Anyone You Know Go Rock Fishing?

Rock Fishing also needs to Wear It!
Rock Fishing also needs to Wear It!

Rock fishing survey to improve safety

Đá khảo sát đánh bắt cá để cải thiện an toàn


Jī diào diàochá, yǐ tígāo ānquán xìng

As part of Life Saving Victoria’s (LSV) rock fishing safety communications project, the team is currently conducting research to better understand rock fisher’s knowledge and practices around rock fishing.

LSV would like to hear from people who go rock fishing and people who know someone that goes rock fishing. If you fit into either group please go to  to complete the survey.

It takes about 10 minutes and is available in English and Chinese simplified text. Continue Reading


Call For National Life Jacket Uniformity

One of the primary reasons for launching Wear It Australia was to provide a single entry point for access to Australian state governments’ rules and regulations for the wearing of life jackets. With no national governing body – unlike many other countries – the rules for life jacket wear are mandated by each state legislator.… Continue Reading
