IMPORTANT: Lifejacket Safety Check for Tightness of the Auto-Inflate Cartridge.
Wear It Australia has become aware of an issue with automatic inflating lifejackets that have the UML branded cartridge with a replace by 08-2014 date stamp.
Skippers are advised to check their auto-inflating lifejackets and follow the safety check instructions – either from the image or go the UML web site at:
Should you find a defective cartridge, consult with the manufacturer direct or make contact with UML via the details on the web site.
An inspection conducted by Wear It Australia on the Ready Set Wear It May 19th Global Day for inflating lifejackets, found a number of defective units during the audit at an event site.
Ready Set Wear It is a one-day-in-the-year opportunity to check and test all inflatable lifejackets in preparation for the following summer boating season inAustralia. By doing the checks and tests in autumn, skippers will have time to budget for replacements over the next few months.
Wear It Australia’s, Peter J Hackett said, “It’s very concerning that such a defect could create panic for anyone as they abandon ship and hit the water and the lifejacket doesn’t inflate as it should.”.
He added that “The level of stress within those first few seconds of being in the water is enormous and not knowing how to manually inflate the lifejacket in all the confusion created by cartridge failure would only increase the danger of the situation.”
It is always wise to do pre-use safety checks… Last comment re level of stress in 1st few seconds in the water is ‘dead’-on the mark!
Safe Boating everyone & come visit us in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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